South Bend Winter II

As promised, here's part two of Chris Fortier's 2019 Winter Classic concepts. If you missed last Saturday's entry, take a look. Which one do you like better?

South Bend Winter I

Chris Fortier takes a stab at some retro uniforms for the 2019 Winter Classic at Notre Dame. He's got another one lined up for next Saturday too.

Three Ways to Vancouver

Chris Fortier tackles a trio of Canucks ideas inspired by the club's colorful history.

Kraken Up In Seattle

Chris Fortier writes: "The logo is probably too cartoony for the NHL but maybe Seattle will go off the board and use a purple color palette? Doesn't seem like the Kings want to use it."

Bolt Beauty

It's an annual tradition — my birthday, my team. The end of our season was pretty rough so I need something to cheer me up. Luckliy, Chris Fortier has just the thing — bringing us what might be one of my all-time favorite Lightning concepts. It's just what the Bolts need — blue sweaters trimmed in black and silver. Let's get it on the ice already!