Thundercloud Freak Out

How about this to freak you out a little? Paul Racz has a new take on a Tampa Bay Lightning storm jersey — in which Thor himself is summoning a lighting bolt from the clouds.


John Elbertson has come up with another keeper. His newest take on the Tampa Bay Lightning is pretty sharp and relies on the old logo from 2007.

Happy 813 Day!

This gorgeous uniform set from Alan Waldron has to be on the list of my all-time favorite Lightning concepts. It's just excellent. It proves how necessary black and silver are to the Bolts' color palette. And even better — today happens to be 813 day! (That would be Tampa's area code if you hadn't caught on — you know, 813... 8/13. Anyway.)

Handmade Bolts Revisited

Morgan Edwards brings us a revised version of his Tampa Bay Lightning from last year.

Initial Impressions of Tampa

Johnny Woods has an interesting new look for the Tampa Bay Lightning on this Friday.