Rbk EDGE Review: Panthers
/Part 9 of 30. All 30 NHL clubs have unveiled new jerseys under the new Rbk EDGE Uniform System for the 2007-08 season. Here at the NHLToL, we're going to review every one of them. Read up and then rate the new sweaters. We'll do a full ranking after completing all of the reviews.
The Unveiling
Saturday, July 28. The Panthers unveiled their new jerseys to fans at the Year of the Rat Alumni game in Sunrise. Nathan Horton and Stephen Weiss modeled the jerseys on the ice in full gear.
Home vs. Road
Home: Blue. Road: White. The two sweaters are essentially mirror images of each other and both feature secondary logo patches on the shoulders with the primary logo serving as the crest.
The blue home jerseys feature thick red stripes extending from the shoulder the length of the sleeve, bordered in yellow piping. Yellow piping also runs down the front of the sweater from the neck line to the bottom. Spaced yellow-red-yellow stripes go around the underside of the elbows, stopping at the yellow piping along the sleeves. The collar is blue outlined in thin yellow piping.
The white road jerseys feature thick red stripes extending from the shoulder the length of the sleeve, bordered in blue piping. Blue piping also runs down the front of the sweater from the neck line to the bottom. Blue-red-blues stripes with yellow spacing go around the underside of the elbows, stopping at the blue piping along the sleeves. The collar is blue.
In The Details
The logo on the chest is now much larger than before. The same numbering and lettering style has been retained.
New & Old
The Panthers new jerseys differ in several minor ways from the old ones. Gone are the slanted stripes around the sleeves and the pointed shoulder yokes. The horizontal stripes around the waist have also been removed. The Panthers did keep the primary and secondary logos in the same location as well as sticking with blue for the home jersey. Little else has really changed. Mainly, piping has been introduced along with stripes extending past the shoulders and down the sleeve.
Standard FAQ
Numbers on the front? No.
Laces at the collar? No.
NHLToL Editorial by Chris
My initial reaction to the new Panthers jerseys was good. On first glance, I thought they were really sharp. But if you really look at them, you notice how busy they are. We see a lot of piping and the clash of horizontal and vertical stripes at the elbow. While it doesn't look great on the rack, this is one jersey that is very nice looking on the ice. Still, one annoying trend among the new EDGE sweaters with piping is the captains' letter crossing that line. I could live without that. But aside from some tiny nitpicks, I think this is a very nice looking jersey. 4/5