Flames Leak 30th Logo?
/Got some Calgary Flames news for you this afternoon on a couple of topics — their 30th anniversary and their brand new third jersey.
Icethetics reader Cody has sent in information on this first subject. According to Sportsnet.ca, the Flames aren't supposed to unveil their new 30th anniversary logo until September. However, it seems to have appeared briefly on the team's web site on Tuesday. An intentional effort to net a free but unsuspecting focus group or a simple mistake?
It is rumoured that the Calgary Flames will wear a new logo on occasion this year to commemorate its 30th NHL season.
The logo was expected to be officially unveiled in September, but it appeared on the team's web site on Tuesday. It is unknown for what games the new logo will appear.
Flames' 30th anniversary logo?The logo in question is apparently what you see here to the right.
There's no way to know at this point if this will be the 30th anniversary logo or if it's even a final version. If it is, I think it's safe to say the Oilers beat them on 30th logos — by a mile.
That's really all I have on that. This logo has been making its way around Flames fan sites and message boards since Tuesday but no one seems to have any definitive information.
Personally, I'm curious about that last line in the Sportsnet story. "It is unknown for what games the new logo will appear." If it's an anniversary logo, it should simply be a patch on the uniform for the whole season. I certainly hope there's no plan to put this on a third jersey.
Which brings me to the third jersey news. Last September, I posted this story — which appeared in the Calgary Sun. Basically, it was Flames president Ken King talking about the team's third jersey plans. King all but confirmed the new sweater to be black with a new crest — not the Flaming C — and that it would debut for the 2009-10 season. At the time he said it was 95% complete.
I'm now hearing from a couple of sources that this design is being replaced in favor of a retro look from the team's early days (no word if the Atlanta Flames logo will make a reappearance). It's possible the team is working on a white sweater devoid of any black. Those were the days.
I'll continue to follow these stories but keep in mind that we're less than a month away from getting some official news — which I always prefer anyway. Meantime, Calgary fans, were you wary of another black jersey? Excited about a vintage look? What about this 30th anniversary logo?
Got a quick follow-up on the 30th anniversary logo thanks to the guys at the Calgarypuck Forums, specifically a user called alltherage. He's allegedly got a screenshot from the web site before the logo was removed. However, I can't vouch for the legitimacy of this image, so I post it with some hesitation.
As you can see, it's right there above Kiprusoff's head, but it's placed in such a way that would've made it easy to add later. That being said, the image was posted on Wednesday afternoon so it may well be real.
Did anyone else happen to see it before it was removed? Anyone else have a screenshot to share?
One last update to this post before I put this topic to bed. Apparently, we have all seen this logo before right here on Icethetics and only Jared noticed. He pointed out that it was in a preview image I posted of the Flames' new web site almost a month ago. It just slid under the radar.
Early version of Flames' web site redesign
Turns out it was Photoshopped right into the rafters and I never even noticed. I think I was distracted by the burning hockey players. So there you have it. End of subject.