USA Unveils Olympic Jerseys
/...four days ago. Better late than never, right? I had the hardest time this week both finding decent pictures of Team USA's 2010 Winter Games sweaters as well as time to post what I could track down. It's now Friday — four days after the actual unveiling of the sweaters to the media — and at last I have a post for you.
USA Hockey unveiled three jerseys — a blue and two whites.Let's start with the announcement of the new jersey on USA Hockey's official web site, which includes this photo from the press conference.
Team USA Olympic jersey unveiling
Unlike Hockey Canada, the US doesn't seem that interested in providing us with any really great pictures of the jersey. But I guess that's probably because most Americans don't care. Anyway, it looks better on the ice than the way that guy's holding it up.
Patrick Kane rocks the new blues
A little dull, but what do you want? It's the Olympics. Short of revisiting the 1980 sweater design — and there really isn't reason enough to right now — there's not much in the arsenal that will still be recognizable. Here's the white one.
Trying on the new jerseys at the bench
Hoping a better picture will turn up. The third jersey is another white sweater, this one modeled after the one worn at the 1960 Olympics where the U.S. won their first gold medal in men's hockey.
The Ryans before hitting the ice in the thirds
And what sort of Lightning fan would I be if I didn't use a picture of Ryan Malone? The other guy is Ryan Callahan.
If you'd like more of an in-depth analysis of these jerseys, might I suggest Puck Daddy? Should I find any new/better pictures, I'll add them to this post. In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts below.
Finally, thanks to everyone who sent in links and pictures all week. You are all awesome!