Sabres Expose Another Puzzle Piece
/Image from Buffalo Sabres (via Twitter)The Buffalo Sabres tweeted another enigmatic photo of their new third jersey today. And while it doesn't tell us much, it's at least different from other sneak peeks shared recently.
Today's tweet read:
*Exclusive* PHOTO: Here's your next puzzle piece for our new third jersey...
Puzzle piece is probably the right term. For the life of me, I can't figure out how these pieces fit together. And with this one, I'm not even sure what part of the sweater we're even looking at.
There's definitely something folded over but that's about as much as I can tell. Is it the sleeve? The shoulders? Something from the sides?
If you have a good guess, I'd love to hear it. Fill the comments with your thoughts. And if any concept artists what to take stab at reproducing it, I know a lot of readers would be eager to see it.