This post will be a little bit about what the people at are thinking — so in that spirit, I've written a lazy pun for the headline.
Seriously, what's going on? Does True North Sports and Entertainment have a deal to buy and relocate the Atlanta Thrashers or not? And if not, why is the online arm of the National Hockey League reporting a story that is — according to its own commissioner — false? And why are they reporting that exclusively?
I'm referring to an article posted late last night on which talks about the unconfirmed report from the Globe and Mail that the deal is done and the Thrashers are moving to Winnipeg. But every other news agency is saying any deal is far from done. Still, the Globe and Mail is holding fast. And is only referencing their story. I have it here in image form in case it disappears at some point:

Perhaps I'm confused about the relationship between league and the people who run its website. But from a public relations standpoint, if there's no completed agreement yet, shouldn't your cyber representatives steer clear of posting a story that says there is? Or at the very least include a statement from the commissioner?
Unless it's not all that false.
It's funny. Last night I tweeted, asking for blog ideas as I've been having trouble manufacturing content amidst my team's unlikely Stanley Cup playoff run. Naturally, this story breaks almost immediately after. But more on all the ideas in a moment.
While we wait for official word that everyone can report on, let's not forget about what it would mean if the Thrashers move. Atlanta hockey fans will have lost a second team to a Canadian city of fewer than a million people. Speaking of which, Canadians seem to be the most excited over the prospect of the move. I understand, you love hockey. But are you forgetting what it felt like to lose your team?
Perhaps its the arrogance of those who believe living in the southern U.S. automatically makes you undeserving of the greatest sport in the world. Get over that. I'm from Tampa and I'd wager that my excitement for my team (Go Bolts!) rivals that of any Canadian. And I'm not an anomaly. The Thrashers' Blueland Blog asked Atlanta fans to share how they fell in love with the game. There are some truly great stories in there.
Anyway, if it happens it happens, and it will be terrible for them. I just wanted to make sure you guys were aware that Thrasher fans are not a myth. (Lightning fans on the other hand... at least according to the Bruins marketing folks! Haha!)
I'm not saying you shouldn't be excited. Just keep in mind that a victory for Winnipeg is a devastating defeat for our fellow hockey fans in Georgia. Many of whom love the game just as much as we do.
And despite the certainty from so many places that the team will be in Winnipeg next year, the Thrashers are going ahead with their Select-A-Seat event tomorrow. As they should. Rooting for you, Thrasher fans. Don't get used to it.
A Storm of Blog Ideas
Now back to what I was saying before about needing blog ideas. The summer's coming and that usually means lots of jersey news and unveilings and so forth. Plenty of content. However, the spring is usually the slowest time of the year. So I asked what you guys would like to see on the site. I got a lot of responses but most would require a lot of research on my part, so yeah... thanks for that.
Here's some of what came in:
Alan Ruck rocks a Red Wings jerseyHockey Sweaters in Cinema Dave D. suggested this, specifically referencing the Red Wings jersey famously worn by Alan Ruck in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Off the top of my head I can recall Seth Rogen's bedroom being decorated with Penguins paraphernalia in Zack and Miri Make a Porno and — though I've only seen trailers — it seems Blackhawks gear figures prominently in The Dilemma.
On the small screen, Paul Giamatti showed up on 30 Rock this season rocking an Islanders sweater, singing the praises of Matt Moulson. And back in 2005, an episode of Alias featured the Lightning celebrating their Stanley Cup championship.
This is definitely a topic ripe for further delving, but I am by no means a film buff. If you are, feel free to start compiling a list of NHL jersey cameos in movies and TV shows. Send that along and we'll share it with the group.
Early Implementation of Lightning Rebrand My buddy John over at Raw Charge wonders about the evolution of the public's opinion about the Tampa Bay Lightning's new logo now that it has been splashed just about everywhere. The only place it hasn't been seen yet is on the players' backs. He surmises the early implementation of the new brand is helping in the transition for next season. Definitely something to consider.
Green is Good Josh K. suggested reviewing good examples of green hockey jerseys to get us inspired for the new third jersey apparently being added by the Dallas Stars next season. Word is it will be green! I'm hopeful and I think such a post could be worked out.
Ugliest Stanley Cup Winner Dave White from the Yukon wonders what was the worst Stanley Cup winning sweater ever. That'll require a trip to the past, but I'm sure there are plenty of contenders. The Penguins' Edge jersey, for one, is pretty lame and that was only 2009. We'll explore more at some point.
That Which Never Was Charles P. proposes a post about jerseys that never happened — like what the Nordiques would've worn if they stayed in Quebec in 1995 or what the Blues might've worn in 1996 if Mike Keenan didn't have some sense. There are others but photos and renderings may be difficult to come by. Any help would be highly appreciated and welcomed!
Outside the NHL Box A couple of followers asked about NCAA, junior and international jersey discussions. I tend to avoid those topics as I'm not as well versed in them as the NHL. As far as concepts however, send whatever you've got. If it's good, I'll be more than happy to post it.
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful ideas! As I work behind the scenes to continue the expansion of the Jersey Galleries section, I'm also hard at work on improving another well-received feature I launched last summer. Many of you have asked about it so I hope you like it.